COVID Updates

December 20, 2021 

From the CRMC Executive Committee:

Another COVID wave is here — and has already touched our community.

We ALL must do our part to keep ourselves and our neighbors safe by taking simple steps to reduce transmission and hopefully avoid infection, illness or worse.

At least one positive test within our community was reported last week; a breakthrough infection to a fully vaccinated owner. That person is quarantining offsite.

Due to the high degree of transmissibility of the new COVID variants, we have adjusted our Colonial Ridge Club protocols, effective immediately:

Masks are required in ALL indoor common areas, regardless of vaccination or booster status. These include the Clubhouse, Mail Room and laundry rooms whenever others are present.

Socially distance from others when outside on CRC property, especially if you choose to be unvaccinated.

This honor system where everyone is respectful of others by abiding by these guidelines will help slow the spread of COVID.

The failure to practice these simple safety measures could result in a return to previous COVID restrictions, including closing the Clubhouse, prohibiting guests in the pool, and limiting the number of CRC owners allowed in the pool and at the Gazebo at the same time.

Until COVID is more under control, the only way we can fully enjoy our wonderful community is if we are all considerate of everyone's need to be safe, healthy and secure.

Ongoing updates will be posted on this page.

Download a PDF of this announcement.