Insurance 2023

March 27, 2023 | Insurance Q&A replay

From Jim Rattray, CRMC Secretary:

Our insurance broker, Damian McFadden of USI, held a Q&A session for all interested Shareholders to answer your questions about insurance rates and issues at Colonial Ridge Club and about the overall insurance climate in South Florida.

Watch the video here


July 14, 2022 | Insurance Q&A replay

From Jim Rattray, CRMC Secretary:

Our insurance broker, Damian McFadden of USI, held a Q&A session for all interested Shareholders to answer your questions about insurance rates and issues at Colonial Ridge Club and about the overall insurance climate in South Florida.

About two dozen questions were pre-submitted questions and Damian provided written answers. You can download those here (7.2 MB PDF). Note that this link includes a number of attachments and articles as background material.

Watch the video here:

Insurance Q&A with our broker Damian McFadden of USI.

April 20, 2022 | Important webinar on community insurance

From Betsy Thomas, CRMC Treasurer, and the CRMC Executive Committee:

A recent webinar from Campbell Property Management on community insurance has some extremely important information for members of Colonial Ridge Club boards (CRMC and Building Corporations) as well as for Shareholders.

The webinar answers a number of questions that have been raised by some in our community, including:

  • Why rates are increasing

  • How to keep rates low

  • How to negotiate with insurance companies

  • Why you can only work with one insurance broker

  • Why insurance companies are dropping communities

  • What levels of insurance you need

  • Why self insurance is not an option

  • The role claims play in rates and possible cancelation

  • What to expect for 2022-2023

A link to the Campbell’s page on this webinar is here:

This will be discussed at the CRMC Board meeting on April 21.

The webinar is available on YouTube and embedded here.