Getting ready for the 2021/2022 season!


By Jeri Bove’, Social Director

We are all looking forward to enjoying the coming season at Colonial Ridge, even though we may all have some apprehension with regard to social distancing and maintaining safety precautions. By keeping these factors in mind, the Social Club would like to share these thoughts and ideas with the community.

Some changes to promote everyone’s safety

Months before the pandemic occurred, we were informed by the Fire Marshall of Boynton Beach that 35 people (seated at tables) are the maximum amount allowed in our clubhouse. This may be a “blessing-in-disguise,” as it creates social distancing indoors. By spacing tables six feet apart, 35 people can be comfortably and safely seated. 

Since some of our events, such as the Mimosa/Bloody Mary Sunday Brunch along with our Annual Barbeque, draw more then 35 people and accommodations can be arranged to set up for outside seating. The food is generally set up buffet style, and this will continue but now with servers (who will wear masks and gloves) being the only ones to handle and serve our residents.

The Social Club is looking into food trucks that cater individual food items as another way to safely enjoy our gatherings.

A return of popular activities

Water aerobics. Photo by Jeri Bove’.

Water aerobics. Photo by Jeri Bove’.

Water Aerobics was offered from March to April this year with a minimum of 12 participants. This worked out extremely well and will be offered again this season with more information to follow.

Yoga, Thursday Night Movies, Art Classes and Bingo have been featured in the “past,” Hopefully, with the thorough cleaning of our clubhouse, we may once again be able to offer such events. 

Our Bonfires are enjoyed by many of our residents and may be the perfect way to socialize safely between the beach and gazebo. Permission via permit is given by the Ocean Ridge Police Department the day prior, weather permitting.

Updates, along with information on our events, will be posted on this website. Check the calendar regularly for all events.

As always, the Social Club values your opinions and encourages all ideas, comments and suggestions to improve and enjoy our beautiful community.

The Social Club is looking forward to seeing all of our friends again and welcoming new ones to a happy, healthy season.

Pool at dusk. Photo by Kathy Berkery.

Pool at dusk. Photo by Kathy Berkery.


Check back regularly to find out about all the social happenings at Colonial Ridge Club!


Remembering “Bobby”


Welcome to CRC Social Club!