Water Aerobics classes resume January 19!


By Jeri Bove’, Social Director

The Social Club is getting ready to "kick off" the new season with the start of our Water Aerobics classes.

Mary Ippolito, our instructor for the past two years, is looking forward to once again meeting with us. We have a tentative date for the first class on Wednesday, January 19, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. Classes are held weekly through April. The cost has stayed the same — $10 per person, per session.

A signup sheet will be posted in our Mailroom and we encourage everyone to join us.

Water aerobics. Photo by Jeri Bove’.

This a fun way to keep in shape, meet new residents and maybe lose some of those holiday pounds! It is also an activity where we can practice social distance safely outdoors.

Updates on this and other activities will be posted on the Social Club website. Please check in frequently so as not to miss anything we have planned.

Looking forward to a happy and healthy new year in Colonial Ridge.


Check back regularly to find out about all the social happenings at Colonial Ridge Club!


January happenings


Sunday Brunch, meet ‘Meet n’ Greet!’